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For more than a year now theItaly, along with other countries in the rest of the world, has undergone a experiment from Instagram: delete the total number of likes from photos and videos posted.

According to Adam Mosseri (CEO of Instagram), the goal of the experiment is to improve user experience making Instagram a more relaxing place, which eases the pressure that many users experience daily in relating with other profiles.

Some newspapers have welcomed the news with foreshadowing "The end of the Influencers". But let's analyze the situation better and try to understand what happened.

For years on Facebook and Instagram there has been a real one fight to the last like; between favors requested in chat and competitions with prizes for the most clicked photo, the number of appreciations ended up representing the social power of those who post.

Net of the possibility that, in the short term, Instagram will restore the number of likes, in the meantime, let's try to draw up a series of arguments for and against this matter.

On the one hand, one wonders whether it is right to hide a fact that, in theory, should represent the answer to the efforts of one's creative work. The number of likes shows oneself and others the result of one's commitment, whether it is competition or not.

Instagram, however, represents a SOCIAL platform, which as such should stimulate and encourage sociability in the audience. This does not mean that those who get a high number of likes should commit less in the name of sociality, but simply that those who cannot get the same number of consents don't feel left out from a certain circle. In other words, too often (the younger ones, especially) develop one unhealthy competitiveness, forgetting that the main purpose is to have fun showing what you like best.

Sometimes it happened that the number of likes defined the validity and credibility of a profile, to the detriment of the contents. This caused a mechanism of systematic exclusion less clicked content, even in the case of particularly valid and interesting content.

To return to the Influencer topic, it is true that until recently this world was strongly conditioned by the number of approvals received from its public, but this does not exclude that the disappearance of the numerical variable actually created the better conditions so that a higher quality activity was outlined.

In other words, today Influencers, having no longer visible the numbers of their popularity, are pushed to improve their performance in terms of content, to make one's face associable with a character serious and reliable.

Today an Influencer stands out for creativity, content quality and commitment to implementation, and it is visible to everyone what the added value is, without necessarily having a critical or trained eye.

These efforts then, from a global perspective, are rewarded by a feeling of healthy competition: that of creating more content cured and the desire to get involved by showing oneself without fear of derision.