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If you really want to achieve high levels of professionalism on social media, you have no choice but to rely on the creation of a complete and detailed editorial calendar. This is because with the passage of time you will increasingly need to plan topics and contents in advance (always leaving room for the inventiveness of the moment!).
There are now dozens of special tools, but they are often tools external to the pages we intend to manage.

Today, however, we want to recommend the most used tool within our agency: Creator Studio.
What is different from other tools? It is a free tool made available by Facebook itself, which allows you to schedule and manage the publication of the contents of Facebook pages but also of Instagram business accounts. Not only that: through Creator Studio it is also possible to monitor the statistical data of the individual contents.
To use it, simply access the affected Facebook page from your computer and connect the Instagram profile you want to associate, by previously selecting the pages to check.
It is not currently possible to schedule stories, but you can create and schedule feed posts and IGTVs.

We will never stop repeating that the creation of an editorial plan and calendar represent the basis of your success, which will allow you to always be ready to welcome new users on Instagram and in the best possible way, without ever running the risk of not being in able to adequately respond to the needs of your followers.

Would you like to know more? Email us at info@yield.social and book now to enter the Yield Academy

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Source: www.marketingarena.it/2020/11/30/facebook-creator-studio-il-tool-per-organizzare-post-ig-fb/