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All brands that focus their business on social media have certainly very often encountered situations in which users and even other brands have moved criticisms towards them.

The prevailing instinct seems to be that of responding by placing oneself on plan of the defensive, sometimes without even trying to hide a veil of threat.

Reality has shown us, however, how these behaviors are deleterious in the eyes of those who attend the discussion, and therefore not only the loyal user, but also the potential customer.

The basic assumption from which one must start for reshape the presence on social networks it's just one: consider every criticism an occasion.

Those that are often moved with the sole intent of unmasking weaknesses in a Brand, actually represent the richest of suggestions for improvement: a criticism raises a problem that until then was hidden from the eyes of the Brand, helping to shed light on the more or less large areas of shadow.

But what is the correct way to answer? He thought about this Netflix with his Model of the 4A dedicated as much to those who move criticism as to those who receive it.

For those who receive a criticism

Appreciate: appreciate, say thank you, fighting the instinct to respond with anger and put yourself in a defensive position;

Accept or Discard: you are always free to accept criticism or reject it, preferably arguing the reasons that push you to do so.

For those who make a criticism

Aim to Assist: aims to help. Always write a critique that is accompanied by advice and suggestions, demonstrating the benefits that can be gained by making a change. The offenses are not useful to anyone, not even to yourself that in this way you will do nothing but bad publicity for your profile;

Actionable: Make your recommendations Actionable. Don't just have your say but explain how the change could best be made.

The occasion that arises from a criticism is twofold: not only gives the possibility to improve, but in the world of social media, which makes everything about us visible, an adequate and relevant response will be a reason for greater trust and reliability.

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Source: https://www.linkedin.com/company/marketing-espresso/